Monday, July 09, 2007

Is the UK gearing up for Iran war?

After reading this article here I'm starting to wonder if the new Brown government is gearing up for a war with Iran, as the past foreign secretary Jack Straw ruled out the option of military action as at least he knew that Iran is not Iraq and any invasion or even just a 'limited bombing campaign' would cause more resentment and threat of terror attacks and just the plain fact that Iran has a much more larger and well equipped army than Iraq did. With an over stretched army bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan there is no logic in attacking a third country. However politicians are far from being logical thinkers.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Free at last!

I personally have to admit that I thought this day for Alan Johnston would never come, his situation seemed so dire and with the chaos that developed in Gaza this made things never more worse. But from my point unexpectedly he was released into the company of the Hamas faction after 114 days in the hands of the so called Army of Islam.

It good to see him free and thankful the worst never came to pass, Hama's actions in this might give them more credibility, although they are hardly model candidates for democracy they where elected and as hard as that might be for western governments to understand we none the less should start talking and dealing with Hamas fairly.
But todays main point is that Alan is finally free.

Alan Johnston Free!? Updated

Developing news, from Gaza of BBC news reporter is being released into the hands of Hamas from the so called Army Of Islam, looks like he really is free or at least out of the real danger, he was seen being taken away under heavily armed guards. Updates soon.

Update: Alan may be in the company of fellow BBC staff who work in Gaza with him, he is said to be in good health, he has reportedly told the AP that he was 'ok' about being released.

BBC News article

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Glasgow and London bombs

As I always say, never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. And thats just what we are dealing with when it come to the Glasgow and London bombs, large groups of very stupid people, who apparently all work for the NHS, now thats caring people. From what I've heard and seen on the news....
In London, police were examining images from security cameras to try to establish the cars' routes into the center of the city. They found the first bomb in a Mercedes parked outside a packed nightclub in Haymarket, close to Piccadilly Circus, at 1:30 a.m. on June 29. The second device, in a Mercedes parked between Haymarket and Trafalgar Square, was found hours after it was towed to a garage on Park Lane for being parked illegally. -source-
Yes thats right you read correctly, their bomb was towed away, it strikes me that these so called terrorists are not very smart. It's also very hard to find simpathy for people who cover themselfs with petrol, set them selfs on fire and attack the people trying to help you.

But then again there is another group of stupid people who I hold the same contempt for...
Police were also investigating an attack on an Asian news agent early Tuesday in Glasgow, in which a car was rammed into the shop and caught fire or set ablaze, and the torching of a real estate office next to a mosque near Edinburgh on Monday. -source-
As you might expect it's not getting much attention, but it's no different in what happened at Glasgow airport people ramming a car into a building and setting it on fire with the intent to kill or injure, they are just as much terrorists as the people who where arrested at the airport, but I doubt they will ever be caught as in the eyes of most stupid people in Scotland for them it's not the right from of terrorism.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Has Tony Blair finaly lost it?

In his outgoing days and weeks has Blair finally lost the plot? With new police powers being talked about and accusing judges of putting the rights of terror suspects first, I have to ask the question has Tony Blair lost the plot? When he talked of putting the rights of terror suspects first he really means our civil rights and the right of Innocent until proven guilty these are all our birth rights and should never been undermined. And with the new police powers being talked about who the Guardian newspaper claims the police never asked for such powers and has all ready split what is left of Labour's governing majority.

These civil rights that are being taken from us at an ever alarming rate are as I said our birth rights as human beings and when you give them up, even if you think or have been told it's only a temporary measure, they never seem to come back it's like sand running from your hand. For a democracy to work it requires two things, first we need an informed electorate that understands fact from lies, sadly we don't have this there is to many people with the "if I've done nothing wrong, I don't have to worry" attitude. And second for a democracy to work we must watch our government and scrutinize them not the other way about.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Pretext for a war?

Over the last week or so Iran has taken some Brittish soldiers prisioner (note I don't use the term hostage or kidnaped as these are incorrect) because as Iran claims they strayed into Iranian waters, this is very possible as the water ways are a complex border region and is disputed and the Iranian's also might be wrong and taken the soldiers when they where in Iraqi waters. Who-ever is right or wrong in this dispute Iran really should give the soldiers back, but sadly due to the actions of our govenment and the American govenment we have allready taken people from Iran in to custody and opperate torture dungons in far off parts of the world.

Because of this we really don't have the moral high ground in this issue but nor does Iran and two wrongs don't make a right, I also fear this might be the pretext for a war with Iran as we know form the neo-conseritive agenda in the United States they wish to reshape the whole middile east by force. What people have to remmeber is that Iran is not Iraq. Iraq when attacked would for the most part just sit back and absorb air strikes and from time to time, they would fire a few missiles at warplanes guarding the no fly zones, Iraq was dissarmed over many years and it's army was broken.

Iran on the other hand is battle hardend and far more well equiped than Iraq ever was, Iran is a contry of 70million people, has an air force, extensive air defence network and a well equiped army. Attacking Iran would cost millions of lives and would require a draft of many thousands of people in the UK and the US, many of whom would die in the war, such a war would destabilize the whole region not only Iran and might even draw in China and Russia whom both have intrests in Iran.

You who would support such a war must ask yourself one question, if called would you fight or would you be happy to send your children to die in such a war? This is why we should take the action of force off the table when it comes to Iran, we should use what little of our moral and diplomatic might we have left to persuade Iran to back down and release the soldiers.

Monday, December 18, 2006

The face of the Suffolk Ripper?

Is this the face of the Suffolk Ripper? Well he sure does scare the pants off me, This image and the other one seen on the BBC news article does to me at least look like a troubled mind but I guess everybody is innocent until proven guilty.

The news article talked about his page from where the photos where taken from, there was no link but I managed to find the page by a simple search on, and here is his page, I wonder how long it will stay up on myspace for, the admins might get wind of whats going on and close it down, but it does feel odd that if this really is the killer, it feels odd that all this time we have been speculating on who he is and what he looks like, and all that time with a simple internet search he can stare us in the face.

The guy Tom Stephens, is the one who has been arrested, but just because you have been arrested does not mean your a killer, it's the whole innocent until proven guilty thing we must remember.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Michael Richards tantrum

Ok whats all this about, well the comedian Michael Richards, had what I call a silly tantrum at a comedy gig, and called some people who said he was not funny, a Nigger. Nigger the old raciest slur that people used to call black people.

First of all it is not right at any time to call some black peeps niggers, I've never used the word towards some black people and I even don't like using the word 'black' to describe them, I really don't like all this race hate stuff, but is leaving behind all those mostly black people in Katrina last year not racism? And when some black people found some food they where called looters and whites "found" instead of loot?

The videos : The event, The CNN News

I've seen the video of the tantrum and a CNN news report of some guy who was said he was in the audience at the time, and there is some inconsistencies between them, the audience guy said that Richards shouted.
I don't care what you think, I've enough money to have you arrested, fuck you nigger.
He said 50 years ago you would be hanging from upside down from a tree
Ok thats not 100% right Richards said, "50 years ago We'd have you upside down with a fucking fork up your ass" Humm almost as bad I guess. But he never said the part about having him arrested. My opinion is that Richards should not have used the nigger word it's something we can live without. But if the hecklers found the show boring instead of calling him not funny they should have just left. Richards had apologized for what he said but, both are to blame in my books.